we had an amazing experience at ccrma on thursday. it was in the character of a john cage musiccircus. the audience were encouraged to amble through the building with refreshments in hand and enjoy the performances and installations all over the building.
i had an installation in the listening room. this room is very special to me because i can take advantage of 16 speakers. speakers are in octagonal setup 92 inches apart in three vertical spaces around the room, above the room and under the room.i had a a mixed media piece for 16 channels audio + text-based visuals + paper junkmail covering the hallway. my installation was called "junkmail" as a reaction to the fact that "it takes more than 100 million trees to produce the total volume of junk mail that arrives in american mailboxes each year.” this fact and a lot more on this topic can be found on forest ethics.
there were lots of good performances all over the building, inside and outside ccrma. some of the highlights were carr's lolfo. i also liked the amazing drones of sweat shop boys. i would upload a short video of my installation as soon as i have it but here a couple of pics for now.
a short video of the installation is available on youtube.
a short video of the installation is available on youtube.